21 March 2025|BCOP|Success Story
Application of International Budgeting Frameworks in Armenia
Using the knowledge of the PEFA methodology and criteria taught through PEMPAL BCOP and its cooperation with the PEFA Secretariat, Armenia implemented improvements to its PFM practices; this resulted in higher ratings in the recent PEFA assessment.…
21 March 2025|IACOP|Success Story
Georgia: Strengthening Public Financial Internal Control
Empowering Georgia’s Public Internal Financial Control Reform: PEMPAL’s support was instrumental in advancing Internal Audit professional capacity and the alignment of the practices to the new Global Internal Audit Standards.
21 March 2025|TCOP|Success Story
Supporting Integrated Digital Solutions in Public Financial Management
This success story demonstrates that continuous focus of the PEMPAL Treasury Community of Practice on the approaches to developing integrated financial management information systems (IFMIS) made a significant impact on promoting the integration of…
21 March 2025|BCOP|Success Story
Introduction and Expansion of Participatory Budgeting in Uzbekistan
Uzbekistan recently developed and implemented a dozen legislative/regulatory documents to design, implement, and continuously strengthen participatory budgeting. An updated version of the Open Budget Portal was developed with functionality for…
21 March 2025|TCOP|Success Story
Kazakhstan: Strengthening Treasury Controls and Improving Cash Management
This success story demonstrates that the experience of PEMPAL member countries and the knowledge gained during the events organized by the PEMPAL Treasury Community of Practice (TCOP) have made a strong impact on developing and implementing treasury…
21 March 2025|IACOP|Success Story
Moldova: Strengthening the Internal Audit Function
Moldova strengthened Internal Audits through PEMPAL engagement, improving Risk-Based audits, reporting tools, professional capacity, and methodologies to follow.
21 March 2025|TCOP|Success Story
Green Corridor: Leveraging Technology to Implement Risk-Based Approaches in Payment Authorization & Processing
This success story demonstrates how peer-to-peer learning supported by PEMPAL Treasury Community of Practice (TCOP) helped to disseminate the risk-based approaches in payment authorization and processing. To raise the effectiveness in treasury…
21 March 2025|BCOP|Success Story
Modern Program and Performance Budgeting Linked to Strategic Planning in Bosnia and Herzegovina
At the level of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH), a strong and comprehensive new program and performance budgeting system was designed, with direct alignment to the Government’s strategic planning. The new PPB system, steered by the…
21 March 2025|IACOP|Success Story
Armenia: The Evolution of Public Sector Internal Audit
Armenia’s Evolving Public Sector Internal Audit System: Leveraging PEMPAL Knowledge and Support had major impact on shaping country level Internal Audit system and practices.
21 March 2025|TCOP|Success Story
Unlocking the Potential of Advanced Digital Technologies
PEMPAL Treasury Community of Practice (TCOP) places significant emphasis on ensuring that the members are aware of the most recent trends in PFM digitalization. The success story demonstrates the emerging impact of access to international best…