23 March 2025|BCOP|Fact Sheet
BCOP Fact Sheet
PEMPAL Budget Community of Practice (BCOP) brings together mid- to high-level officials from budgeting or budget methodology/policy departments of national Ministries of Finance from Europe and Central Asia. The Fact Sheet provides a brief overview…
21 March 2025|TCOP|Success Story
Green Corridor: Leveraging Technology to Implement Risk-Based Approaches in Payment Authorization & Processing
This success story demonstrates how peer-to-peer learning supported by PEMPAL Treasury Community of Practice (TCOP) helped to disseminate the risk-based approaches in payment authorization and processing. To raise the effectiveness in treasury…
21 March 2025|BCOP|Success Story
Modern Program and Performance Budgeting Linked to Strategic Planning in Bosnia and Herzegovina
At the level of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH), a strong and comprehensive new program and performance budgeting system was designed, with direct alignment to the Government’s strategic planning. The new PPB system, steered by the…
21 March 2025|IACOP|Success Story
Armenia: The Evolution of Public Sector Internal Audit
Armenia’s Evolving Public Sector Internal Audit System: Leveraging PEMPAL Knowledge and Support had major impact on shaping country level Internal Audit system and practices.
21 March 2025|TCOP|Success Story
Unlocking the Potential of Advanced Digital Technologies
PEMPAL Treasury Community of Practice (TCOP) places significant emphasis on ensuring that the members are aware of the most recent trends in PFM digitalization. The success story demonstrates the emerging impact of access to international best…
21 March 2025|BCOP|Success Story
Improvement in Budget Transparency, Clarity, and Public Participation Across the PEMPAL Region
The PEMPAL BCOP’s Budget Literacy and Transparency Working Group has provided extensive advice to member countries on improving budget transparency, accessibility, literacy, and public participation. This work by BCOP has contributed to the…
21 March 2025|TCOP|Success Story
Tajikistan: Treasury Service Digitalization
This success story demonstrates that PEMPAL Treasury Community of Practice (TCOP) has become the main platform for Tajikistan to learn about the international experience in the digitalization of national treasuries. The Treasury of Tajikistan used…
21 March 2025|IACOP|Success Story
Albania: Digital Platform for Public Internal Control and Internal Audit Monitoring and Reporting
Albania’s success in piloting and implementing the PEMPAL IACOP Digital Platform enhanced Internal Audit and Control Reporting and Data Analytics.
21 March 2025|TCOP|Success Story
Effective Use of Treasury Single Account and Cash Balances
This success story demonstrates how the knowledge on the benefits of cash consolidation and modern approaches to cash management gained from the PEMPAL Treasury Community of Practice events and knowledge products helped member countries to broaden…
21 March 2025|BCOP|Success Story
Strengthened Mid-Term Budgeting, Spending Reviews, and Budget Transparency in Bulgaria
Informed by the BCOP knowledge, the Ministry of Finance, together with line ministries, conducted a review and prioritization of performance indicators in budget programs and identified Key Performance Indicators to track progress towards…