27 March 2025| BCOP Event|Vienna, Austria
BCOP Thematic Day "Thematic Workshop on Capital Budgeting"
Capital budgeting was one of the top priority topics recently identified by the BCOP member countries. This workshop is organized to start BCOP’s examination of this important topic. BCOP members will get familiarized with the World Bank’s…
03 - 05 February 2025| BCOP Event|Paris, France, and in Hybrid Format with Videoconference
BCOP BLTWG Workshop on Budget Openness Innovations and Participation in the Meeting of the OECD Working Party for Performance and Results
On February 3, a workshop of BCOP’s Budget Literacy and Transparency Working Group (BLTWG) will take place in a hybrid format – face-to-face for a small group of BCOP members in Paris and via videoconference for wider BCOP membership. This BCOP…
04 - 05 December 2024| BCOP Event|Ljubljana, Slovenia
BCOP’s Participation in the OECD CESEE SBO Meeting
BCOP delegation attended and contributed to the meeting of OECD Senior Budget Officials regional network for Central, Eastern, and South-Eastern European Countries (CESEE SBO) that took place on December 4-5. Cooperation with OECD provides an…
28 November 2024| BCOP Event|Videoconference
BCOP PPBWG Workshop on Usage of Performance Information in Decision-Making
This virtual workshop of BCOP’s Program and Performance Budgeting Working Group (PPBWG) served to present the outline and the key planned elements/content of the BCOP’s FY25 knowledge product on Usage of Performance Information in Decision-…
16 - 17 April 2024| BCOP Event|Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
BCOP 2024 Plenary Meeting
The Budget Community of Practice (BCOP) of the Public Expenditure Management Peer-Assisted Learning network (PEMPAL) will hold its annual plenary meeting in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, on April 16-17. The meeting objectives are to: …
07 - 09 February 2024| BCOP Event|Paris, France
BCOP PPBWG Workshop and Participation in the Meeting of the OECD Working Party for Performance and Results
On February 7, a workshop of BCOP’s Program and Performance Budgeting Working Group (PPBWG) took place in a hybrid format – face-to-face for a small group of BCOP members in Paris, France, and via VC for wider BCOP membership. PPBWG examined the…
07 - 08 December 2023| BCOP Event|Zagreb, Croatia
BCOP BLTWG Workshop on Budget Openness Measures Targeting Different External Stakeholders with GIFT
On December 7-8, BCOP held a workshop on budget openness, in partnership with the Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency (GIFT). BCOP members selected this topic of budget openness measures targeting different categories of the public (…
05 - 06 December 2023| BCOP Event|Zagreb, Croatia
BCOP’s Participation in the OECD CESEE SBO Meeting
BCOP delegation participated and contributed to the meeting of OECD Senior Budget Officials regional network for Central, Eastern, and South-Eastern European Countries (CESEE SBO) that took place on December 5-6. Cooperation with OECD provides an…
19 October 2023| BCOP Event|Videoconference
BCOP BLTWG Workshop on Advice on the Content of Budget Documentation
This virtual workshop of BCOP’s Budget Literacy and Transparency Working Group (BLTWG) was organized on October 19, 2023, with the aim of examining the key elements of the desirable scope of budget…
21 June 2023| BCOP Event|Videoconference
BCOP PPBWG Workshop on Linking strategic planning to budget planning
This virtual workshop of BCOP’s Program and Performance Budgeting Working Group (PPBWG) was organized on June 21, 2023, with the aim to provide introductory presentations and to collect members’ feedback on their specific areas of interest within…
22 - 24 March 2023| BCOP Event|Ljubljana, Slovenia
BCOP Plenary Meeting Hosted by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Slovenia: TRENDS IN PUBLIC SPENDING EFFECTIVENESS AND OPENNESS
The Budget Community of Practice (BCOP) of the Public Expenditure Management Peer-Assisted Learning network (PEMPAL) with the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Slovenia held an annual BCOP Plenary meeting in Ljubljana.During the meeting, BCOP…
02 - 03 February 2023| BCOP Event|Brussels, Belgium
BCOP PPBWG’s participation in the Meeting of the OECD Working Party on Performance and Results
BCOP continued its long-standing cooperation with the Budgeting and Public Expenditure Division of the Directorate for Public Governance within the Organization for Economic Development and Cooperation (OECD). Within this cooperation, a small BCOP…
26 January 2023| BCOP Event|Videoconference
BCOP Workshop on Green Budgeting: Strengthening the Role of Ministries of Finance in Driving Climate Actions
This virtual workshop was organized to familiarize BCOP members with the recent international experience and advice in the role of Ministries of Finance in climate actions and to collect BCOP members’ feedback on the on their interest in a potential…
27 - 28 October 2022| BCOP Event|Bucharest, Romania
BCOP Participation in the Meeting of the OECD Senior Budget Officials from Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe (OECD SBO CESEE) and a Follow-Up BCOP Meeting
Within BCOP’s long-standing cooperation with the OECD, some BCOP representatives were invited by the OECD to attend the 17th annual meeting of the OECD Senior Budget Officials' regional network for Central, Eastern and South-Eastern European…