27 March 2025|TCOP Event|Vienna, Austria
TCOP Thematic Day "Impact of Digital Transformation on the Evolution of the Treasury Role and Functions"
On March 27, 2025, back-to-back with the PEMPAL Whole-of-Network Plenary in Vienna, the Treasury Community of Practice will hold a TCOP Thematic Day. The main theme of the event will be the Impact of Digital Transformation on the Evolution of the…
26 February 2025|TCOP Event|Videoconference
Thematic VC: Data Analytics Readiness Assessment
Based on the positive feedback received on the previous TCOP videoconference with the participation of the Directorate General of Treasury, Ministry of Finance of Indonesia in April 2024, and given the high priority of the digital agenda among the…
28 January 2025|TCOP Event|Videoconference
Thematic TCOP VC on Active Cash Management Instruments
Following the discussions in Tirana that demonstrated high interest in the community to using active cash management instruments, TCOP Thematic Group on Cash Management and Cash Forecasting held a VC on January 28, 2025. TCOP members from 14 PEMPAL…
11 December 2024|TCOP Event|Videoconference
Thematic VC: TCOP Impact on PFM Reforms, Treasury Development, and Innovation
Following the recent consultations on the impact of PEMPAL on PFM reforms in member countries and in the broader context of measuring treasury outcomes and debating on the future of PFM, on December 11, 2024, TCOP held a thematic VC on TCOP Impact…
04 - 06 November 2024|TCOP Event|Tirana, Albania
PEMPAL TCOP Thematic Meeting
On November 4-6, 2024, PEMPAL Treasury Community of Practice (TCOP) held a thematic event on Strengthening and Measuring Treasury Performance in Cash Management and Forecasting in Tirana, Albania. 58 representatives of finance ministries and…
12 September 2024|TCOP Event|Videoconference
TCOP Thematic Group on Cash Management and Cash Forecasting
To prepare for the face-to-face thematic event on Strengthening and Measuring Treasury Performance in Cash Management and Forecasting planned for November 4-6, 2024 in Tirana (Albania), TCOP Thematic Group on Cash Management and Cash…
03 - 06 June 2024|TCOP Event|Belgrade, Serbia
PEMPAL TCOP Plenary Meeting 2024
On June 3-6, 2024, PEMPAL Treasury Community of Practice (TCOP) held an annual plenary meeting in Belgrade, Serbia. The main objective of the TCOP plenary meeting in Belgrade was to deepen understanding of the latest trends in treasury modernization…
25 April 2024|TCOP Event|Videoconference
TCOP Working Group on Use of IT in Treasury Operations
TCOP Working Group on Use of IT in Treasury Operations held its meeting on April 25, 2024. The main item on the agenda was presentation on the approach of the Treasury of Indonesia to using data analytics in treasury operations. Indonesian Treasury…
27 February 2024|TCOP Event|Videoconference
TCOP Cash Management Thematic Group Meeting
TCOP Thematic Group on Cash Management held its meeting on February 27, 2024. The objective of the session was to revisit the topic of cash buffers. COVID pandemic drew attention of governments across the world to liquidity risks and highlighted the…
27 - 29 November 2023|TCOP Event|Vienna, Austria
TCOP cash management thematic group meeting
On November 27-29, 2023, PEMPAL Treasury Community of Practice (TCOP) Thematic Group on Cash Management and Forecasting held a meeting in Vienna, Austria. The main objective of the meeting was to discuss the trends in consolidation of the government…
21 September 2023|TCOP Event|Videoconference
TCOP Thematic Group on Cash Management: Cash Flow Forecasting and Analysis Tool (CFAT)
TCOP Thematic Group on Cash Management held its meeting on September 21, 2023. The objectives of the session were to get familiarized with a Cash Flow Forecasting and Analysis Tool (CFAT) developed by the International Monetary Fund, as well as to…
23 - 26 May 2023|TCOP Event|Almaty, Kazakhstan
PEMPAL TCOP Plenary Meeting 2023
On May 23-26, 2023, PEMPAL Treasury Community of Practice (TCOP) held an annual plenary meeting in Almaty, Kazakhstan. The main objective of the TCOP plenary meeting in Almaty was to deepen the understanding of the latest trends in evolution of the…
16 March 2023|TCOP Event|Videoconference
The objectives of this virtual event was twofold: (i) to present preliminary results of the 2022 Survey on the Functions of the Treasuries in PEMPAL Countries; and (2) to hear participants’ comments and feedback on the findings of the survey and…
10 November 2022|TCOP Event|Videoconference
TCOP Thematic Group on the Evolution of the Role and Functions of the Treasury
TCOP Thematic Group on the Evolution of the Role and Functions of the Treasury held its meeting on November 10, 2022. During the session the representatives of the Treasury Department of the Ministry of Finance and Economy of Albania shared…
28 September 2022|TCOP Event|Videoconference
Joint videoconference of the PEMPAL TCOP Cash Management Thematic Group and the World Bank’s Public Expenditure and Financial Management Community of Practice
The Joint videoconference of the PEMPAL TCOP Cash Management Thematic Group and the World Bank’s Public Expenditure and Financial Management Community of Practice (PEFM CoP) took place on September 28, 2022.The objective of the session was to…