26 February 2025|
TCOP Event
Thematic VC: Data Analytics Readiness Assessment
Based on the positive feedback received on the previous TCOP videoconference with the participation of the Directorate General of Treasury, Ministry of Finance of Indonesia in April 2024, and given the high priority of the digital agenda among the community members, TCOP Thematic Group on the Use of IT in Treasury Operations held a thematic VC on Data Analytics Readiness Assessment on February 26, 2025. Over a hundred participants, including 83 PFM officials representing all three PEMPAL COPs from 19 member countries, joined the meeting.
The objective of the meeting was to learn about the methods and the results of the Data Analytics Readiness Assessment (DARA) conducted in the Directorate General of Treasury, Ministry of Finance of Indonesia in 2024. The VC provided an opportunity to prepare for the discussions at the PFM Data Harvesting Session planned during the PEMPAL Whole-of-Plenary Meeting in Vienna in March 2025.
The World Bank team made a short introduction and provided key highlights on the DARA methodology. Mr. Rusli Zulfian and Mr. Ahmad Iqbal Zakyuddin from the Directorate General of Treasury, the Ministry of Finance of Indonesia shared their impressions on the results and recommendations made based on the assessment. The presentation was followed by a discussion that provided additional insights into the Indonesian experience in developing the Ministry of Finance as a data-driven institution.